In the Destination field, browse to the Tomcat webapps folder. 在Destination字段中,浏览到Tomcatwebapps文件夹。
File path& Specifies the location of the trace file when the destination field is specified as File. FilePath&在目标字段被指定为文件时,指定跟踪文件的位置。
Finally, enter a name for the outbound port destinations in the Port destination name field. 最后,在Portdestinationname字段中输入出站端口目的地的名称。
Destination address field prime 目的地址字段加小撇
Whenever you change the linked information in the source field, project automatically updates it in the destination field. 只要源域中的链接信息发生更改,project就会自动在目标域中更新此信息。
Review and change, if you want, the name and data type of the destination field. 如果需要,请检查并更改目标字段的名称和数据类型。
Unsolicited commercial e-mail is created with the destination recipient's e-mail address in the Sender field of that e-mail message. 与该电子邮件的发件人字段中的目标收件人的电子邮件地址创建未经请求的商业电子邮件。
Researches on destination image have gradually become a hot subject in the field of tourism destination marketing since1970s. 近些年来,国内外学者对于旅游目的地形象、游客满意度及忠诚度的关系探究也已经有了一些讨论。
And the destination field type is. 而目标字段类型是。
To change the name of the field in the destination file, click the field in the to column, and then type a new name. 要更改目标文件中的域名称,请在“到”列中单击域,然后键入新的名称。
Beneath the combo boxes we added a couple more widgets to hold the destination file name – a button to select the file and a disabled line edit field to show the location. 在组合框下面,我们添加了更多小部件,用于保存目的文件的名称&一个按钮用于选择文件,以及一个禁用的线编辑字段用于显示位置。
To fix this, open the destination table in design view in access and set the date field's Format property to long date or medium date. 要解决这一问题,请在access的设计视图中打开目标表,然后将日期字段的“格式”属性设为“长日期”或“中日期”。
In this paper, a routing protocol with extended network lifespan is proposed based on the protocol of Destination Sequenced Distance Vector ( DSDV) and a routing protocol with minimizing-cost field. 在目的节点序列距离矢量DSDV(Destination-SequencedDistance-Vector)路由协议和基于最小代价场路由协议的基础上,提出了一种延长网络寿命的路由算法。
The Korean Government established its outstanding destination image of cultural tourism and fulfilled sustainable tourism development, through measures like infrastructure construction for tourism, tourism resource development plan, and international promotion and cooperation in tourism field. 韩国政府通过实施旅游资源开发计划、加强旅游基础设施建设和加强国际旅游产品营销等措施,提升了文化旅游大国形象,实现了旅游业的可持续发展。
People explore a method to plan an optimal collision free path from start point to destination point in short time. The visibility graph method, artificial potential field method, genetic algorithm and many other kinds of obstacle avoidance path planning algorithm are proposed. 人们对如何快速找到一条从起点到目标点的最优无碰路径进行了多方探索,提出了可视图法、人工势场法、遗传算法等多种避障路径规划算法。
Consumers, competitors, destination and government field is the main tourism industry crisis activity areas. 消费者、领域竞争者、目的地和政府是旅游业危机的主要活动领域。
The destination goal of seepage calculation is solving hydraulic factor of seepage field such as seepage discharge, head pressure, compression force and hydraulic slope, analyzing seepage stability, selecting rational impervious design and drainage, or reinforcement design, effectively controlling seepage. 渗流计算的任务在于求解渗流场内的渗流量、水头、压力、坡降等水力要素,进行渗透稳定性分析,选择合理的防渗、排渗设计方案或加固补强方案,有效地控制渗流。